After Grandma's we went to the Seattle Aquarium. One of Cam's relatives has had these free tickets for months and we kept forgetting about them until Cam's mom realized that they're about to expire. So we decided to hit the aquarium on the way back from Grandma's. Jelly had a pretty good time considering the fact that she had had only a very short nap all day.
Me, Jelly, and Grandma with da fishies.
The pool of starfish that people can lean in and touch.
Julie getting acquainted with the starfish.
They had these jellyfish in a circular tank that you can walk through. Very cool.
This is a large octopus. Or squid. I'm not sure. All I know is that it was a little scary for me. I have a slight fear of squid. Don't ask.
Apparently Jelly has no fear of squid.
This is called a basketfish. Cam thinks it looks gross, but I think all the curlicues are pretty cool.
Grandma, Grandpa, and Juliana in the aquarium's dome.
After the aquarium, we all went to Steamer's on the waterfront for an early dinner. All in all, it was a pretty fun day.
Just a side note, I am working on my Hawaii blog- it's taking kinda long, but I promise it will be up soon.
Just a side note, I am working on my Hawaii blog- it's taking kinda long, but I promise it will be up soon.
=( I wish I could have gone. To the aquarium, that is. >.>
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